
Your account is required to use two-factor authentication to access NIH/eRA systems. Please setup and use either a account or an InCommon Federated account that supports NIH’s two-factor authentication standards. For further information, please see the following:


Login to NIH/eRA systems requires two-factor authentication. Either your institution does not support two-factor authentication, or your institution has not enabled your account for two-factor authentication. Please contact your local IT department (whoever manages your account) to inquire about the ability to support two-factor authentication for your account. If two-factor authentication is not available through your institution, you may also register for and use an account from For further information, please visit:


PIV login is required. Please login using the Login with PIV/CAC option.


The eRA credentials you entered are invalid and the account has now been locked. Please contact your organization's account administrator for assistance or use forgot password/unlock account link after 15 mins.


The eRA credentials you entered are invalid, please contact your organization's account administrator for assistance.

Login with Need Help

Confirmation Required

Access to NIH/eRA systems is available via

For additional information:
** Two-Factor Authentication: Accessing eRA Modules via

Please select Continue to be redirected to or Cancel to return to the NIH/eRA application login page.

Login with eRA Credentials

UserName and Password is required

Please enter valid Credentials. Either Username or Password is empty.

(For External Users Only)

Login with Federated Account


Submit applications electronically to NIH and other Public Health Service Agencies...

The Application Submission System & Interface for Submission Tracking (ASSIST) system is used to prepare and submit applications electronically to NIH and other Public Health Service agencies. Prior to using ASSIST, applicants should identify a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to which they'd like to apply. FOAs are posted in the NIH Guide for Grants & Contracts and/or in each of which has robust search capabilities. The FOA text will indicate whether ASSIST can be used to apply to that opportunity. You will need the FOA number (e.g., PA-XX-XXX or LITC-ABCD-XX-000 to initiate an application.

Active and eRA Commons credentials are required to prepare and submit applications using ASSIST.


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